Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Polygamy reasons in Islam Essay

Polygamy is a Greek word that means the practice of multiple marriages. Polygamy was considered to fulfill men’s desires on the grounds of strong cultural considerations. Nowadays, Polygamy is considered in Islamic countries and some rural areas around the word. However, it was difficult to provide statistics on the issue of polygamy because of the lack of communication. The man can marry up to four wives. Each wife constitutes a separate household with the husband visiting his wives in turn. Human Rights: Human rights deny gender differences and strive to maintain equality in social rules. Gender equality means an equal visibility, empowerment and participation of both sexes in all spheres of public and private life. Human rights discourse prohibits polygamy and the act of practicing it. Human rights theory is against the notion of polygamy. Human rights discourse states that polygamy is against the dignity of women and their human rights. Polygamy violates the right of equality between men and women; indeed, by allowing men to have more than one wife but preventing women from doing it, the right of equality is violated. In addition, human rights discourse is against the practice of polygamy. It violates women’s right of spending enough time with their husband and children’s right to be raised within a stable family. The idea of allowing the husband to choose polygamy is not considered as slavery or exclusion of the women’s right to decide; on the other hand, it is considered as traditional family life in which the husband is the head of the family. However, the wife can take the place of her husband as the head of the family when the law deprives his civil rights, as if the husband is in jail. On the other hand, polygamy violates the rights of children. Men that have more than one wife do not have enough time to spend it with their children compared with men that have one wife. In addition, their wives try to compete with other wives in order to impress and entertain the man. As a result, children will not have enough time to spend it with their parents. Polygamy requires a lot of time and money; indeed, the man is ordered to fulfill the needs of his wives equally. That will decrease his financial status and this will result in a decrease in health and educational status. Kent acknowledges that polygamists refuse the common life styles and beliefs they live apart from public scrutiny or association, and are more vulnerable to violating civil rights (Kant, 2006). Canadian civil marriage act (2005) defines marriage as â€Å"the lawful union of one two persons to the exclusion of others†. This definition of marriage excludes polygamy. Even though there were laws in Canada prohibiting polygamy before 2009, Winston Blackmore and James Oler were the first polygamists arrested in Canada in January 2009. The maximum penalty for polygamists is 5 years in jail. Although Canadian law assures freedom of religious expression, Polygamy is prohibited. Legal experts say the case promises to pit Canada’s antipolygamy law against the country’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which guarantees freedom of religious expression. Divine Command: Divine command theory in Islam respect gender differences and it maintains equality between men and women. However, it is different in some cases. Divine command explains gender differences as being compatible to each other, which explains the differences in some cases. One of these few cases is polygamy. Islamic law allows polygamy as stated in the quran â€Å"And if you fear that you cannot act equitably towards orphans, then marry such women as seem good to you, two and three and four; but if you fear that you will not do justice between them, then marry only one or what your right hands possess; this is more proper, that you may not deviate from the right course† (4:3). There are several conditions to be maintained in order for the man to marry more than one woman. The first and most fundamental condition is justice, the man have to maintain equality between his wives. He has to be equal in the time spent with the wife and the financial matters, but not his heart inclination. The man can love a wife or her children more than the other but he should keep that to himself and do not show it to his other wives by his behavior. A man should have a reasonable issue to have more than one wife, he should not have more than what he wants. As a result, if two women are enough their husband does not have to marry a third wife and so on. In addition, the man should be able to aid his family, so he cannot marry more than one wife if he is not able to satisfy all of his wives equally. There are several types of aid: financial aid that extends to his children, the ability to satisfy the wives sexual desires. If the man is not able to satisfy the sexual desires of one wife, then he is not allowed to marry more than one. If a women states that her husband does not satisfy her sexual desires, she has the right to ask for divorce. To sum up, the man has to apply justice in the concepts of expenses, sex, and treatment in order to be eligible to have more than one wife. Polygamy is allowed in Islam due to several reasons. First of all is increasing the population. Although one says that increased population causes problems on the society, it results in increased labour, which will increase economy. For example, China has the largest population in the world and they have a strong economical force. Another reason is the increased number of women compared with men in some countries. For example, an official statistic in Germany shows that in 1990 there were approximately 2.7 million more females than males; moreover, the incidents of dying men are more then women. This means that there will be many women without a husband that will lead to a decrease in the population and an increase in adultery and sexually transmitted disease. Childs of adultery are missing the traditional family life and that will reverse it on their behaviour. There are many men that can not handle their sexual interactions and they need more than one women, so if they had more than one that will prevent them from adultery. In addition, men are prohibited to have sex during menstruation or confinement due to its medical harm. The most reason that makes men marry is to make a family, but this dream is impossible if the woman is infertile or has an illness. As a result, it is fair to marry another fertile women. One says that polygamy will cause problems to the family and the wives will be competing with each other. The response for this critique is that problems can occur in every family even if there is one wife. Moreover, each wife has the right to live in her own house and the man can not force them to live in the same house. Another one argues that if polygamy is allowed for men, it should be allowed for women as well. The response to this critique is that women are the carrier of the off spring and by having sex with more than a man the child’s identity will be lost. The children will not be able to recognize their father and it will confuse the society. In addition, the ties of the fatherhood with the children are going to be weak. On April 15th, 2009 Afghanistan women protested in a Shia mosque in the country’s capital city because of a new law that was passed which forbid women to leave their homes without permission from a male relative and these women were also not allowed to refuse to have sex with their husbands. The 300 women who protested were young and organized by women’s rights activists. These Afghan women believed this new law was unacceptable and was a return to Taliban rule. Many local men were outraged by the protesting of these women and threw gravel and small stones at them. As a result, polygamy will decrese these problems. Conclusion: From my point of view, I think that polygamy have more advantages and disadvantages. We can adapt and solve the disadvantages to make polygamy more successful. For example, one can spend more time with his family to make sure that the women and children are satisfied. On the other hand, polygamy should not be allowed without its provisions. Indeed, courts should make sure that polygamy conditions are accomplished, especially the right of justice and equality. References: Kent, S. (2006, August). A matter of principle: fundamentalist Mormon polygamy, children, and human rights debates. Nova religio, 10(1), 7-29. Retrieved June 18, 2009, from ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials database. Polygamists arrested for first time in Canada. (2009, February 10). Christian Century, Retrieved June 18, 2009, from Humanities International Complete database. Polygamy Is Against Women’s Human Rights and Their Dignity, Experts Say, (2000). Retrieved June 14, 2009, from Polygamy reasons and conditions in Islam, (2007). Retrieved June 17, 2009, from Polygamy reasons in Islam, (2002). Retrieved June 14, 2009, from

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bmw Films Case Essay

In 2001, BMW came out with its latest innovative marketing strategy titled BMW Films. In partnering with Fallon and Anonymous Productions, who connected with A-list directors, actors, and production value, created a series of five films collectively called â€Å"The Hire† that generated 2. 5 millions viewers with over 24,000 more unit sales than the 2000. And the question now rise to what should BMW’s next move be. ANALYSIS It took the firm about 50 years from its first automobile in 1929 to be firmly established in North America. But right when other Japanese cars entered the market in in the late 1980s, BMW went from one of the most brought luxury car to falling behind Lexus who became the number-one luxury import in the country. The brand had an outdated image and U. S sales went from 96. 8 (thousands) in 1986 to 53. 5 (thousands) in 1991 supported by Exhibit 1 and 4. But after taking drastic measure of reinvigorate itself in North American by introducing newer models and series that were more suitable for the North American market, a new brand image arose and BMW sales rebounded reach records level from 1996-2001. In 2001, BMW was definitely in its maturity phase where it has enough brand awareness amongst its target market that it didn’t’ need an extravagant marketing budget. In Exhibit 2, out of the luxury brands top 5 highest total sales, BMW was the second most selling brand while only spending half (62. 4 million) of its competitors (134-215 million). BMW attracted a different psychographic than its competitors. It looked for highly educated affluent person who wants to have a great driving experience. Exhibit 7 shows BMW’s Customer Base vs. the Competition where the highest percentage of its target age group is 30-44 compared to everyone else. Besides Volvo, BMW customer base is predominately married men. BMW has one of the highest numbers of customers under 45 with no children and the lowest number over 45 with no children. Compared to other luxury brands in Exhibit 3, BMW is right in the middle with pricing its Sedans. Its neither has the highest or the lowest price, which is right in line with its target market who’s income is also in the middle range from the other’s. (See Appendix 1 for SWOT analysis). ALTERNATIVES The different options for BMW is summarized by: 1. Make the films available to a wider audience by distributing in places like the theatres 2. Develop 3-5 more short films in relations to it’s current series 3. Develop a full length movie that would showcase in theatres 4. Do nothing and simply move on to the â€Å"next thing† RECOMMENDATION With all its success with the BMW Films, I would recommend BMW go with option 4 and do nothing and simply move on to the â€Å"next thing†. According to McDowell, 90% (2 million) of the series’ viewers wanted to see more films, but in Exhibit 11 when BMW came out with 3 additional films, only 13%, 18%, and 29% of the number views compared to first film in the series respectively. I think BMW was able to successfully reach its targeted market and with it’s position as being the leader in the market. Where not only if the other companies starts copying BMW, but BMW when â€Å"copies† itself, just like the Goldeneye taught the company, repeat performances are rarely as compelling as premiere performances.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Anti-cataract Activity of Abies Pindrow & Luffa Cylindrica

Anti-cataract Activity of Abies Pindrow Luffa Cylindrica â€Å"Evaluation of in-vitro anti-cataract activity of Abies pindrow P

More testing, More learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

More testing, More learning - Essay Example No less no more to the usual mid and final exams, O’Malley discusses on how exactly instructors do less about unusual rhetorical situation, but humbly addressing professors to revise the feelings in campus we find that it is at the end of time we sweat most because of un-aided preparedness. I fully agree with the sentiments given by the author of this essay in relations to the learning of students while in college. Similarly to the sentiments of the essay’s author usually find my heart pounding during exams, because it feels like am approaching a tough stranger am not used to, whether or not my scores will be better, relies on my experience with an examination. O’Malley’s emphasis stands at how the management doesn’t find means like brief examination to encourage frequent studying, and the failure to motivate students’ best performance. If professors give additional short exams at constant experience, students would feel more obligated to strike back and give back by studying more regularly, learn more and improve on their performance. O’Malley’s essay can be used to criticize some highly repeated by students in schools, but most valuable thing to use. Due to what I have most time learned about the responsibilities, possibilities and problems exams, Marley interviewed several professors and the results of his the effectiveness of his essay that his writing lie on the case of several students. Marley states that â€Å"researchers found that even â€Å"low† procrastinators did not study regularly and recommended that professors give frequent assignments and exams to reduce procrastination and increase achievement† this highlights the situation that Sometimes a student might totally have no mood to train nor a lecturer to have all the courage to virtually set the bulk of work given throughout a term into brief assignments so to make it sink technically into the student’s brains by doing frequent short exam, however,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

IP2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

IP2 - Essay Example Yet another criterion of good decision making is based on the need to define the decision making process. This involves clarifying the technique of solving the problem and analyzing the extent in which the problem has been abstracted (Hurwitz & Hurwitz, 2015). Yet another criterion is that the judgment needs to be analyzed based on its faithfulness especially in terms of problem analysis. The decisions made must express the leader as a good decision maker that uses an objective method of making decisions (Peniwati, 2007). On the other hand, the leader must express fairness in the selection of the most appropriate alternatives prior to making the final decisions. In the realm of decision making, various assumptions are made (Martin & Parmar, 2012). Among the assumptions include assuming that women are weaker gender and that they cannot work in the same roles as the men in the office. This assumption then leads to the women being given inferior roles such as making coffee, or not employing them at all. Secondly, the assumptions made regarding age may be made. The boss may assume that the older population cannot grasp concepts on technology; thus, assume their contribution on matters of technology. Assumptions may also be made on the education levels of the staff. Some leaders may assume that persons that are not well learned cannot learn quickly; thus, assume their contribution in the organization. To test or confirm the credibility of these assumptions, I would assess various factors. For the assumption of the automobile that the demand for SUVs would continue because gas prices would continue to rise, I would assess the scientific practicality of the assumption in an attempt to assess if the assumption analyzed the problem in question. On the airlines assumption that there was a need for an airline that provided no added amenities, I would assess the practicality of the decisions made since

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Hoe does Beth Israel west side comprehensive cancer center in NY Essay

Hoe does Beth Israel west side comprehensive cancer center in NY operate with the collaboration of aptium oncology and continuum - Essay Example Beth Israel Comprehensive Cancer Center is a chief product of Continuum Cancer Centers of New York (CCCNY). CCCNY, a non- profit organization, beforehand used to look after more than 6,000 new cancer patients per year. This new addition to CCCNY makes it one of the biggest and most effective multi- site cancer research centers of the North East (Beth Israel Medical Center Officially Opens Its Manhattan West Side Comprehensive Cancer Center, 2010). The Beth Israel Comprehensive Cancer Center will be working in collaboration with Aptium Oncology, Inc., a Los- Angeles based prime profit organization with more than 25 years of practice in cancer research program development that provides support and enhancement in oncology related programs to private physicians and hospitals. It also provides consulting and organizational expertise to leading institutions around U.S. Aptium Oncology also boasts of having a large and advanced clinical research facility in cancer through the Aptium Oncolog y GI Cancer Consortium (AGICC), and in myeloma through the Aptium Oncology Myeloma Cancer Consortium (AMyC) (Research, 2011). ... Here one needs to first understand the definition of Alliance and the differences in the concepts of Alliance, Partnerships and Collaborations. Alliance is a formal agreement that establishes an association among partnering organizations to achieve a particular aim wherein both organizations agree to share the responsibility through common goals. Partnerships generally mean co existing and usually voluntary relationships among participating groups that are ready to share responsibility of achievement of certain specific goals. Partnerships also contain mutual sharing of available resources, risks and returns realized on terms of pre- agreed legal bindings. Collaborations, on the other hand is a combination of the previous two concepts and is generally used to describe various different joint or multiple efforts. This term is more often than not used to refer long lasting and durable relationships wherein the parties join hands to bring separate organizations into an innovative struct ure with full fledged commitment towards fulfilling a common mission. The associating parties jointly optimize the resources available to them and also share the outcomes and the rewards. Regardless of the name of the associative relationship, working together requires proper policy formulation and policy formulation can be done through thinking backed with evaluation (Evaluation and Collaboration, n.d. pp.1). â€Å"Alliances are a big part of this game [of global competition]†¦They are critical to win on a global basis†¦.The least attractive way to try to win on a global basis is to think you can take on the world all by yourself.† Jack Welch, CEO, General Electric (Speech at Harvard Business School,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Liberal Government 1906-1914 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Liberal Government 1906-1914 - Essay Example The Liberal Government came into existence in 1906 after a landslide victory over the conservatives. The Liberal government was led by Prime Minister, Henry Campbell Bannerman. The Liberal government passed various legislations once it came to power. All the legislations passed by the liberal government collectively came to be known as Liberal Reforms. The concept of 'new Liberalism' had begun to permeate through the party. The members unanimously began to promote appreciation of the interdependence and mutuality of modern society; collective action over individual action and sympathetic response to poverty. This report aims at enumerating the various liberal reforms that were outlined by the liberal government and its consequent impacts on people. The report in specific speaks about how the liberal government dealt with the problem of poverty. The liberal government went against the previously existing concept of Laissez Faire. The report also talks about how the new policies of the liberal government had an impact on the state of poverty. Solving the problem of poverty was a top priority objective of the liberal government. The report discusses the measures taken by the liberal government to tackle the problem. The conservative party that was in power before the liberals took over passed several legislations for social reforms. Particularly the 'Employment of Children' act in 1905 and Unemployed Workman's Act in 1903 aimed at alleviating the distress of the unemployed poor and destitute children (, 2005). However most of these reforms were carried out on the scale of local authorities and not by the Government as such. The liberal party too; before 1906, had assumed a Laissez Fare system of governance, according to which people are responsible for their own welfare. According to the Laissez Fare, prevalent conditions of poverty and illness were due to the ill practices of people themselves. The government never accepted responsibility for the prevalent hardships. The poor were seen by the wealthy as an unfortunate but inevitable part of society (Lednum, 2006). Although there were some prevalent acts and regulations; on the whole; the state did not do much to alleviate the lives of the poor class of people in UK. For instance, if the bread earner of a particular family died, the entire family would be plunged to doom. However, the state would not take any measures to rehabilitate the kin of the dead (Lednum, 2006). The main role of the then government was just to maintain the law and protect the country from foreign invasions. It was in the late 19th century and early 20th century that, several representatives of the state began to feel the importance of the state taking measures to deal with the problem of poverty. Several reasons can be enumerated for the upsurge of the notion of collective action to tackle the problem of poverty. Primarily the upper class and the MPs of UK feared that Britain would decline as a world power if the prevalent conditions persisted. They realized that if UK had to remain as a world power; they needed to obtain higher levels of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Ethics in financial institutions Literature review

Ethics in financial institutions - Literature review Example Releasing such information to third parties exposes the customers to potential threats of information. Financial institutions should not only focus on improving their welfare but also that of the clients. To achieve this, it is vital that customers are involved in major decision making of any financial institution. For instance, before a bank can introduce any products in the market, it will be vital to seek the customers’ indulgence. This owes to the fact that such products are aimed at adding value to customers. On the other hand, it is the responsibility of the financial institution to protect the plight of the customers. This is in terms of any losses that may occur. For instance, technological advancement in the financial sector has opened an avenue for malpractices and fraudulent activities. Currently, there are many financial institutions, which have been hacked into making it difficult to operate. This has happened while these financial institutions straggle to maintai n good relationship with the customers. There are various forms of unethical practices, which a financial institution can be accused of taking part in. the major ones include corruption, failing to disseminate proper information to customers and extorting customers in terms of prices. Embezzlement of funds is a major issue, which many financial institutions grapple with. This is especially in countries, which lack transparency and accountability within the financial institutions. However, financial institutions should not be entirely responsible for all losses, which the customers incur. This is mostly focusing on the fact that such customers may, through their ignorance share their confidential information with third parties. This is especially those using ATM cards. Such individuals may share information, which can cause them get into major problems. The following discussion focuses on the literature review on ethics in financial institutions. Literature review According to Goodpa ster (84), financial institutions are out to service customers and therefore must abide to the moral ethical principles. One of the main things that the customers are looking for is a financial institution, which they can trust to give them the services needed. Trust is built on the quality of services offered to customers as well as the communication between the two. The financial institutions should be willing to disclose all the information that the customers need. Customers need all the financial information, which an institution deems important. In addition to that, the financial institutions should inform the customers on any changes, which have taken place. Keeping constant communication with the customers is one of the main ways through which trust is built between the customers and financial institutions. Secondly, Goodpaster (65), states that there is need to have customer confidentiality. The information of the customer should not be disclosed to third parties. If this ha ppens, the customer may lose their money. For that fact, there is need to ensure that the customer’s money is protected against any loss. The financial institutions however have been witnessing many challenges due to increased fraudulent activities. Hackers have been able to get access to even the most guarded institutions in the world. Recently, some financial institutions in the United States have been hacked by fraudsters causing havoc within

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Explain some theory that you have read about in relation to the Essay

Explain some theory that you have read about in relation to the pricing of products and discuss its usefulness - Essay Example In the marketplace, they encounter a wide array of vendors and product offerings with a complex variety of benefits, prices, terms, and promotional messages. Research findings suggest that much of what people do when they buy products and services follows a definite logic. They look for cues to help simplify decision making, and often rely on simple rules of thumb. Correspondingly, it is possible to identify patterns of behavior in the way buyers go about satisfying their needs (Morris, Morris, 1990). The business must consider the customers perception of price implementing strategies such as positioning, price points and fair pricing. Price alone can be used in several ways to attract customers. There are two opposing strategies to the pricing of a product. If the business expects to be the low-cost leader, it must price (position) lower than the competition. If it wants to signal high quality, it should price products higher than most of the competition. Some manufacturers and reta ilers use price as a signal of quality. Consumers often have few indicators of quality, so price may be perceived as one of the better available cues.   By studied these various psychological aspects of consumer behavior, it becomes possible to price products and services to be of maximum appeal to the target market. Certain brands and retailers position themselves as providing value and quality at a low cost. These retailers rely on loss leaders to get consumers in the door knowing that once in, consumers are more likely to shop for other things as well. There are certain specific prices (price-points) at which people become more willing to buy a certain type of product. ‘Under  £100’ is a popular price point. An amount below  £20 including sales tax is another popular price point because it is the most popular denomination of money that people typically carry with them.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Contemporary Practice Of Political Spin Essay

The Contemporary Practice Of Political Spin - Essay Example The United States of America is the world’s most prominent democracy, and though never openly calling itself secular, it has been overt in proving its colorblindness in the matter of religion. But without doubt, Americans are probably more devoutly religious then any other people of the West. This devoutness has been the target of the Republican party of the United States ever since George W. Bush won the election in the year 2000. The stance taken by the present government in the issue of gay marriages and the status of immigrants in the United States provides ample proof of the importance of ambiguity and ‘spin’ in U.S political rhetoric. The Republican Party cannot openly show its opposition to the proposition of same-sex marriages, considering the position that gay people have managed to win in society. Neither can the US government openly state that it considers closing the borders of the country a viable option for ensuring home security, considering that a giant portion of the American workforce comprises of immigrants living and working illegally. Thus in both cases the government has cultivated the backing of the Christian right by using religious terminology and hyperbole.

The Galapagos Islands Essay Example for Free

The Galapagos Islands Essay The Galapagos Islands were first inscribed as a World Heritage site in danger in 1978. This was extended in 2001 and they were again inscribed in June 2007. The islands are found on the Pacific Ocean, 1000 kilometer from the South American continent, they are in Ecuador. They are 19 islands which lie on equator so their seasons vary very little. They have been called a unique â€Å"living museum and showcase of evolution†. (www. whc. unesco/org/en/danger). The islands were formed by seismic and volcanic activities which are still ongoing processes. These together with the extreme isolation of the islands, led to the development of unusual animal life such as the land iguana, giant tortoise and many types of finch. The finch inspired Darwin’s theory of evolution following his visit in 1835. The islands are referred to as an archipelago as they are very isolated from the nearest continent and the islands themselves are separated from one another. This separation and differences in climates favors evolutionary change. As a result, populations that are related follow separate evolution tracks leading to emergence of various species and even further diversification. The species so formed become very susceptible to changes in the environment. ( www. darwinfoundation. org) The uniqueness of the island lies in its marine and land ecosystems, and presence of flora and fauna endemic to the islands and in most cases found nowhere else in the world. The marine ecosystem is composed of both cold and warm water current systems, marine landscapes â€Å"bajos†- these are underwater mountains formed by volcanic activity they rise almost to the oceans surface. Some of the coastal animals found in the Galapagos marine reserve are sea lions, fur seals, albatrosses, several species of booby, frigate bird species, sea turtles marine iguana, penguins and flightless cormorants. (www. darwin. foundation. org) The land habitats of the Galapagos are mainly determined by their vegetation which is in turn determined by the local climate. The vegetation of the area is strongly zoned by altitude. The land ecosystem has such animal species as land iguanas, land snails, rice rats among others. The Galapagos contain a total of 560 native species of flora,180 are endemic (www. darwinfoundation. org). Some of the plant species include scalesia, opuntia cacti and the Galapagos rock-pursane and other lesser known species. Human intrusions threatening the area Threats to this hub of diversity are mainly in the form of fishing and tourism by humans. In the 1990s, fishing led to a big decline in some of the marine species such as sea-cucumbers and sharks. Then, the fishermen would fish the sharks just for their fins and the remainder of the shark’s body would go to waste. Fishing is the second most important economic activity in the region and marine resources were overused by such practices as illegal fishing and over fishing. The dangers presented by the Galapagos fisheries are-: i) Large international vessels fishing around the Galapagos pelagic zones and inside the Galapagos Marine Reserve (GMR) which is illegal. Long-lining and use of large seines are modern high-technology methods with devastating effects of depleting marine species. (www. darwinfoundation. org) ii) There has also been a rapid influx of poor fishermen from the mainland of Ecuador who serve the interests of mainland fishing companies and middlemen buyers. The fishermen are provided with capital in the form of a loan by the fishing companies to buy boats and equipment. The fishermen then sell the catch to the companies; the catch is later sold in the international market especially the Asian market. The influx has led to the human explosion being experienced in the islands and also the immigration brings with it invasive species which compete with the natural species of the islands decreasing their survival chances. ( www-darwinsfoundation. org) Tourism is the leading economic activity in the Galapagos Islands. Tourism has grown economically at 14% per year and this has lead to the Galapagos experiencing drastic, social, economic, cultural and ecological changes. (www. galapagos. org) The dangers that immigration poses include increased pollution, overuse of resources and eventually a charge in climate and introduction of invasive species. A change in climate will lead to loss of some of the species in the island. Invasive species refers to alien plants, diseases, insects and other organisms that people bring inadvertently to the islands. There are now 1,321 introduced species, compared to 112 identified in 1990. These include 748 species of introduced plants compared to 500 species of native plants and at least 490 species of introduced insects. The risk of the arrival of pathogens such as the West Nile virus, insect pests, and new predators is now high-: Dengue-carrying mosquitoes and some avian diseases are new arrivals in the islands. (www. galapagos. org,2007) Existing protection areas The Galapagos Islands have several protection areas. The Galapagos National Park (GNP) is one of this. 97% of the area covered by islands was designated as a national park in 1959. The lands not included were the settlement areas. Later in 1967, a park service Galapagos National Park service (GNPS) was set up to oversee management and administration of the park. The GNP is made up of 13 large islands, 17 small islands and 40 rocks. (www. galapagos. org/). The park authorities educate the visitors and enforce the laws and regulations of the park. The GNPS also oversees the management and administration of the Galapagos Marine Reserve (GMR) which was set up in 1998, another protection area. The GMR’s function is to protect the waters surrounding the archipelago. 3000 species of marine plant and animals are found in the GMR. The necessity of the GMR became apparent when in the 1990s fishing activities around the archipelago increased and almost had devastating effects on the marine species due to the high demand of both sea cucumbers and sharks’ fins. The GNPS also approves itineraries. This ensures that no one place is too frequently visited. This serves to distribute tourism to all the islands, decreasing chances of harm to the environment. The GNPS works together with the Charles Darwin Foundation, now known as the Galapagos Conservancy. The foundation provides the scientific and technical know-how required in maintenance of the natural biodiversity and ecosystems of the islands. Other protected areas include Sangay National Park, Limoncocha Reserve, and Antisana Ecological Reserve which has the Antisana volcano that is 5758 meters high. The reserve was created in 1993. The Cuxabeno Forest Reserve is another protected area, for two thirds of the year the forest is submerged in water and when it is not, it is made up of dry futbol fields (www. ecuador. com/,2007). It was established in 1979. Part of the 6000 square Kilometer rain forest makes up part of the Amazon Rain forest. There are indigenous people found in this forest whose contribution to reservation is through jungle tours and eco-tourism. Existing efforts in Galapagos to protect and preserve the area include:- i) Registration of fishermen to fishermen’s cooperatives. This has enabled the monitoring of fishermen’s activities and from this an estimate of how much fishing is going on can be got. Also, it makes it easier to track illegal fishing. ii) Establishment of the Galapagos Marine Reserve in March 1998. In this area, all fishing is banned. The area covered by the GMR was expanded TO cover 40 miles around the whole archipelago. These are also zones of protection around the islands. All these are patrolled by GNPs park rangers. The sea shepherd conservation society assists with carrying out patrols in the service. iii) Approving the designation of the Galapagos Archipelago as Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) by the Marine Environment Protection Committee(MEPC). PSSA is defined by the International Marine Organization (IMO) as â€Å"an area that needs special protection through action by IMO because of its significance for recognized ecological socio economic or scientific reasons and because it may be vulnerable to damage by international shipping activities†. ([IMO,2001]www. dorwinfoundation. org) iv) Introduction of residence controls which decrease immigration and in turn lower the flow of alien species. The aim is to curb population growth. The controls are however difficult to implement because it is difficult to determine genuine residents and those who come and go but have permanent residence elsewhere. (www. law. emory. edu/ ) v) Education of residents, tourists and Galapagos policy makers on how beneficial sound conservation, practices, polity and sustainable economic activities are for example finding alternative viable economic activities for the local fishermen. vi) The success of Project Isabela. This project has seen a large area being freed of feral goats and pigs. Subsequently there has been an increase in Galapagos’s rails. Areas that had been previously degraded have now become resting areas for petrels and re-establishment of vegetation like tree-terns and endemic scalesia has occurred. Also native invertebrates thought to be extinct are now being identified (www. darwinfoundation. org, 2007) vii) Successful breeding programs for tortoise run by the Charles Darwin Foundation and GPNS has led to repopulation of some islands with their native reptile species. The giant tortoise was becoming extinct due to hunting by humans and other animals. (www. galapagos. org) viii) Inclusion of various sectors in the management board of the Galapagos National Park service has been instrumental in bringing about an attitude of conservation and preservation. At first the local people felt that the government was only concerned about plant and animal life. The multisectoral approach involves key players in fishing, tourism and conservation sectors and also the local person. (www. galapagos. online/) Including the local people has helped to enhance the concept of conversation because the local people no longer feel neglected. Should human intrusion go unchecked, the loss will be great. Maintenance of the rich biodiversity of the islands is achievable of the ecosystem can support sustainable economic use where the local people, conservationist and players in tourism and fishing industry feel their needs have been put into consideration. An example of how the biodiversity can lost is seen in the fact that the present tortoise population is very small. Poaching, destruction of habitats and the presence of invasive species are the main dangers to the tortoise population. (www. galapagos. org, 2007). Though the near extinction of the giant tortoise caught the attention of people and the process was reversed the giant tortoise is not out of the woods yet, and the work of repatriation needs support. In the process of poaching the tortoise, various invasive species which trampled on the tortoise’s habitat were limited and multiplied faster than the tortoise would, leading to destruction of the tortoise habit. The mangrove finch is another species being driven towards extinction. Again the greatest threat to be mangrove forests and the finches is the exploding human presence in the Galapagos. (http://www. galapagos. org/about. html). Increased activity among humans increases the risk of disease further especially avian pox, black rats, cats, fire ants the parasitic fly philornis. All threaten the mangrove finch as well as vulnerable species in Galapagos (http://www. galapagos. org/about. html. ) For the mangrove finch to be saved there has to be study of the mangrove finch and its habitat. Activities that would require support in the mangrove finch conservation project include: ? Creating potential captive breeding facilities for the mangrove finch. ? Resting degraded mangrove finch ecosystem, including establishment of new mangrove forest plots. ? Releasing the captive-bred birds to sites on Isabela and Fernandina islands where the mangrove finch once thrived. For the future generations to be able to see and be part of the abundant biodiversity in the Galapagos islands the necessary funds and a coalition of leadership are needed to successfully conserve and preserve the world heritage site. Otherwise, we risk losing not just an area rich in natural biodiversity but a site of origin of human philosophy and in the process part of the human race. Because of ecological interdependence, there can be no climate changes that will affect animals and plants only, whatever adverse effects will affect flora and fauna will also affect the human race. This means that no part of the ecosystem will be spared the price of not doing all that is necessary to protect and preserve the balance of nature. Conclusion Islands are generally smaller than continental areas but are basically more or less the same with similar social, economic and ecologic changes happening. This then means that islands can and should serve as a model to the rest of the world for these changes (www. darwinsoundation. org). In coming up with solutions to the Galapagos problems we are more or less coming up with a prototype to solve problems that will occur in other continents of the world, but if we cannot resolve the issues then it means that we will also fail in achieving a society where there is a balance of nature and social economic sustainability in the rest of the world. References Charles Darwin foundation, Galapagos Risk; Ground Breaking Analysis Produced retrieved July 6 from http://www. org/en/library/pubs/2007/galapagos Galapagos Conservancy, ‘Breaking News: Galapagos in â€Å"Danger† Retrieved July 6 from http://www. galapagos. org/about. html. ‘Protected areas’ Retrieved July 7 from http:www. ecuador. com/protected-areas UNESCO, Galapagos islands, Retrieved July 7 from http://whc. unesco. org/en/danger UNESCO World Heritage in Danger List July 7 from http://whc. unesco. org/en/danger/ .

Monday, July 22, 2019

Scientific Method Essay Example for Free

Scientific Method Essay RESEARCH DESIGN: Research design is a blue point or detail plan for how a research study is to be conducted operationalizing variables they can be measure selecting and testing hypothesis. DEMOGRAPHY: The word demography derived from Greek word â€Å"Demas† means the people and â€Å"Grapho† means to draw or write. So the word demography means to draw or write about people. Demography is the scientific study of population. It draws on several components of population including size, composition and territorial distribution, to understand the social consequences of population change. Demographers study demographical variations and historical trends in their effort to develop population forecast. They also analyze the structure of a population- the age, gender, race and ethnicity of its members. A key figure in this analysis was Thomas Malthus. According to Multilingual Demography dictonary â€Å"Demography is the scientific study of human population with respect to their size, structure and developemnt.† The components of demography including population size, territorial distribution geographical variations â€Å"the age, gender, sex, race and ethnicity.† ELEMENTS OF DEMOGRAPHY: 1. Birth Rate: Number of live birth per 1000 population in a year. 2. Death Rate: Number of deaths per 1000 population in a year. 3. Growth Rate: Growth rate means the difference between births and deaths rates per 1000 population in a given year. 4. Total Fertility Rate: The average number of children born alive to any women, assuming that she can forms to current fertility rate. 5. Longivity: Longivity means the lifetime of a people up to death. 6. Life Expectancy: Life expectancy means the median number of years a person can be expected to live under a current mortality conditions. 7. The Infarty Mortality Rate: Is the number of deaths of infants under one year old per 1000 live births in a given year. EDUCATION SYSTEM: Education system is a basic rights of people. It is a learning process or traning process how a person learn about culture, sociolization, behaviour and attitude. According to Plato- â€Å"Education is the hermonious development of body, mind and soul† According to A.W.Green- â€Å"Historically education means the conscious traning of the young for the later adaption of adult roles.† FUNCTIONS OF EDUCATION: * To complete the sociolization process. * To trnasmit central heritage. * Formulation of social personality. * Reformation of attitude. * Occupational placement. * To ensure achieved status. * Encourage the sprit of completation. * To ensure better standard of behaviour. * Increase social awarness. * Democratic participation. MALTHUS THEORY OF POPULATION: Thomas Robert Malthus was born in 1766 and died in 1834. His major books is â€Å"The Eassys on the principle of population.† published in 1798. He was famous for his population theory name Malthus theory of population. Malthus  helds that the worlds population was growing more rapidly than the people population. He argued that food supply increases in order the prograssion 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10, whereas population growth increases expands by the way of Geomatric prograssion 1-2-4-8-16-32-64-128-256. According to Malthus analysis the Gap between food production and population growth increasing single way to double unit. As a result a country population will double in every 25 years. Over population creat great problem in the standard of living and way of life in a country. According to Malthus there are two way to control population growth. 1. Positive Check: When a country will over populated then the natural desester such as flood, cyclone, drought, crope failure and another, war, riot automatically control population. 2. Preventive Check: People willingly control population by using contraceptine, date marriage, birth control, prevent early marriage and polygumy marriage, another control free sexual life. CRITISISM: 1. Malthus said that population control by positive check, but natural disester never happen frequently in the over populated country. 2. He argued that food production increase arithmatic rate, but modern science and technology, machinary, hybrid seeds food production increase into double rate. 3. Malthus never think that proper education population will be resource, migration, skill, experience increase population standard of living. SOCIAL CHANGE According to H.T Majamdar- â€Å"Social change may be defined as a new fashion or made either modifying the old in the life of a people.† According to Machiver and Page- â€Å"Social change refers to a process responsive many types of change in the man made condition of life, change in the attitude and beliefs of man. The control to the biological and physical nature of things.† According to Kingsley Davis-â€Å" Social change means only such alternatives as occur in social organization that is structure and functions of society.† CHARACTERISTICS OF SOCIAL CHANGE: 1. Social change is continuous 2. Social change is temporary 3. Social change is environmental 4. Social change is humanistric 5. Social change is short term vs long term 6. Social change is planned/unplanned 7. Social change is objetive 8. Social change is reactive 9. Social change is interaction of human 10. Social change is behaviour THEORY OF SOCIAL CHANGE: 1.Evalutionary theory: Evalutionary theorist argue that society change from simple to complex situation by the process of evalution. Social change means progress the change of positive and benificial whwrw society reach higher level of cevilization. CONFLICT THEORY OF SOCIAL CHANGE: Conflict theories highlited that society change from simple to complex by the process of conflict. Conflict is essential for every society. There is no society or country in the world without conflict. Conflict motivated people gather together for achieving their objectives. CONFLICT THINKER: According to Karl Marx- â€Å"All the history in the world is the history, of classes struggle.† He also said that conflict existing in the society between two classes- 1. Owner class a. Rich people b. Bourgious 2. Non owner class- Poor people. always conflict because owner class exploit non owner class. As a result non owner class occure violance against owneer class for achieving their objectives. MARKS TYPE OF SOCIETY: 1. Premitive society 2. Slavary society 3. Feudalism society 4. Capitalism 5. Socialism According to George Simmel- â€Å"Conflict occure in the society and people influence or motivated to joined conflict because of achieved their rights.†Ã‚  Capitalism society always influence people to conflicting situation. FUNCTIONAL THEORY OF SOCIAL CHANGE: Functional theory highlighted that society from simple to complex by the changing of societies functions. In simple society One institution done various types of function. Ex- Family=Family function is economics, recreation, production, reproduction education, cultural and religious etc. But in the complex society various institution established for doing various types of function, because of capitalism influence people to creat artificial demands, as a result demand basis institution developed fulfilling such kind of demand. POWER AND AUTHORITY: Power means ability to control others. Here power means political power which is related to authority and politics to control or rulling the country.  Authority refers to institutionalized power that is recognizied by the people over whom it is excercised. Another sociologist used authority commonly connection with elected or publicly acknowladge position. TYPES OF AUTHORITY: 1. Traditional Authority: Refers to the legitimate power by custom and accepted practice. Here custom and tradition is the symbol of power. Ex- King and queen of UK, Tribal Chief. 2. Rational Legal Authority: Refers to power exercise by written rules and regulations of political systems such as constitutions. 3. Charismatic Authority: Refers to power made legitimate by a leder exceptional personal or emotional appeal to his/her followers. Charismatic leaders who commanded the personal loyality a large number of citizen in a country. Ex- Nelson Mendela. MIGRATION: Migration refers to the change of individual permanent residence to new reisdence from one place to another place for better life style, better education, better job, better security and better standard of living. TYPES OF MIGRATION: 1. Internal Migration: Internal migration is within the country when individual change permanent residence from village to city, one district to another. Ex- Khulna to Dhaka 2. International Migration: When individual change permanent residence from one country to another country for better life style, better education, better job, better security and better standard of living. Ex- Bangladesh to USA FACTORS OF MIGRATION: There are two major factors in migration- 1. Pull Factors: Pull factors means when individual are influence to change his permanent residence to new residence for better life style, better education, better job, better security and better standard of living is called pull factors. Ex- * Job security *Educational Facilities. *Green Environment. *Safety and Social security. *Stabdard of living. *Stable political culture. 2. Push Factors: Push factors means individual are influence to change his permanent residence to new residence for war, riot, social crisis, natural disester, flood, river errosson, cyclone, drought and another lack of security food crisis etc. SOCIALISM Socialism is a form of economic system where production, distribution and consumption as well as industry owner everything is controlled by the central government, that is called socialism.  Here everybody will get the job according to his/her educational qualification and everyone get facilites according to their demand. Ex- China, Russia, Argentina, South Korea. CHARACTERISTIC OF SOCIALISM: 1. Public ownership 2. Governmental distribution 3. Public limited company 4. Public/Governmental profit 5. National development policy 6. National service 7. Job security 8. Social security 9. Sustainable development 10. Governmental regulation 11. Absent of individual property 12. Proper distribution of wealth CAPITALISM: Capitalism is a form of economic system where production, consumption and distribution as well as industry owner profit loss everything is the individual level ownership, that is called capitalism. CHARACTERISTIC OF CAPITALISM: 1. Private ownership 2. Private profit-loss 3. Individual industry 4. Labor expotation 5. International trade 6. International investment 7. Global market 8. Open market economy 9. Income inequality 10. Income difference between rich and poor 11. Lack of job security 12. International corporation. COLLECTIVE BEHAVIOUR: Collective behaviour is the relatively spontaneous and unstructured behavior of a group of people who are reaching to a common influence in an ambigues situation. Numors are a form of collective behavior. It is public opinion. People reactions to shared events such as war and election. FORMS OF COLLECTIVE BEHAVIOR: 1. Crowds 2. Panic 3. Mobs 4. Rumors 5. Urban Legends 6. Fashion 7. Public opinion 8. Mass hystoria 9. Propaganda 10. Fads FACTORS OF FERTILITY IN BANGLADESH: There are two factors- 1. Biological Factors a. Fertility age (14-49) b. Physical illness c. Willingly interact d. Abortion e. Use contraceptic 2. Social Factor- f. Early marriage g. Late marriage h. Polygamy marriage i. Desire son j. Depends on old age TYPES OF GOVERNMENT: 1. Monarchy: Monarchy is a form of government where single member of a royal family usually a king or queen or some other heridetary ruler are the suprime authority of a country. Ex- Saidi Arabia. 2. Oligarchy: Oligarcy is a form of government where few individual are the ruler of a country. The ruler are royal family which is the family tradition selected ruler one of the another. Ex- Tribal chief, Ancient Greek 3. Dictatorship : Dictatorship is a form government in which one person has nearly hold total power to make and enforce law/Marshal law/Military rules. Here decision making and another all state issue controled on handling by the specific ruler. 4. Democracy: Democracy is the form of government where political system established by the participator of parlament member with election process. Here people elected parlament member by their voting rights. According to Abraham Linkon- â€Å"Democracy is the government of the people by the people and for the people.† GLOBALIZATION: Globalization refers to the expansion of global linkage and the growth of global consciousness among economic(Production, Consumption, Distribution), sicual, political and cultural transformation whole over the world. Here globally connected that is called global village which is performs faster communication, technology and cultural heritage among the countries. ELEMENTS OF GLOBALIZATION: 1. The expansion of global market 2. Transformation of global politics 3. The emergence of new social and political movement ADVANTAGE OF GLOBALIZATION: 1. Increase economic growth 2. increase the efficiency of global business 3. Benifits to consumer 4. Gains to owner of multinational corporation 5. Higher standard of living 6. Capital inflow to poor countries 7. Increase total export of develop countries 8. Open market economy DISADVANTAGE OF GLOBALIZATION: 1. Reduction in economic growth 2. Increase inequility 3. Huge jobless 4. Downward pressure of wages 5. Supervision from international organization 6. Reduction of social protection 7. Threating environment

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Human Resource Management Contribution To Organisational Success

Human Resource Management Contribution To Organisational Success The aim of SHRM is to ensure that an organisation has the skilled, committed and motivated employees it needs to achieve sustained competitive advantage. A number of strategies to achieve this objective have been developed. One strategy follows the resource-based theory which emphasises that investment in people adds to the value of the company by achieving a strategic fit between resource and opportunities to effectively deploy those resources to obtain added value. Another approach is the high-performance management one, whereby processes are developed in areas such as productivity, quality, customer service, growth and profitability through the peoples skills and enthusiasm within the organisation. Another model is the one of high-commitment, where there is a reduction in layers of management, increased flexibility of job descriptions, and a reliance on team working and disseminating information, leading to primarily self-regulated behaviour of the employees. There is also the hig h-involvement approach which engages employees views as partners in the organisation aiming to create a mutual understanding of what is to be achieved and managing people to ensure it is achieved (Armstrong 2006). Holbeche (2009) in discussing SHRM theory states that it has evolved from two distinct conceptions of the link between employee motivation and behaviour and company-level performance outcomes. Researchers distinguish between hard traditional HRM and soft, committeemen-focussed HRM. Hard HRM reflects a contingency approach based on the assessment of the best way to manage people in order to achieve business goals in the light of contextual factors. This approach is founded on HRM seeking to improve efficiency by enforcing employee compliance by, for example, basing employee rewards on some measurable criteria. This approach suggests that for any particular organisational strategy there will be a matching HR strategy. In contrast, soft HRM focuses on a high-commitment-high-performance approach to the management of people. Commitment approaches to HRM aim to shape attitudes by forging a psychological link between organisational and employee goals, emphasising the need for management to recognise employees as significant stakeholders in the company. Increasingly, businesses are moving away from basic product manufacture and service and into more elaborate and complex activities which require the extensive use of information or knowledge. Strategic responses to the new knowledge economy require new forms of training and learning and development is a core business of SHRM. The advent of electronic or e-learning has become increasingly relevant in a context where more and more workplaces are dominated to computer technology, improving the development of knowledge which can be applied to benefit the employee, customer and the organisation. BP offers a blend of e-learning and structured knowledge sharing services allowing individuals to self-manage their learning either on a self-initiated means of web-based training, with fully supported online learning, or informal e-learning through communication, information retrieval and peer cooperation (Harrison 2005). SHRM has a role to play in ensuring that business planning and the planning of suitable employees match. Bohlander and Snell (2009) argue that strategic planning involves a set of procedures for making decisions about the organisations long-term goals and strategies. Human resource planning, by comparison is the process of anticipating and providing for the movement of people into, within, and out of an organisation. Overall its purpose is to help managers deploy their human resources as effectively as possible, where and when they are needed, in order to accomplish the organisations goals. SHRM combines strategy planning and HR planning and plays a leading role in human resources deployments and activities that enable an organisation to achieve its strategic goals. There are cost benefits for an organisation which has strategic focus on human resource planning. Sims (2002) relates that SHRM planning can provide a number of direct and indirect benefits for an organisation. Benefits of SHRM planning include the fact that HRM costs may be lower because management can anticipate imbalances before they become unmanageable and expensive. More time is available to locate talent because needs are anticipated and identified before the actual staffing is required. Development of potential managers can be better planned. Suitable HR policy development can aid the competitive position of a company. An organisations mission and values through their desired competitive strategy and can be supported by a set of SHRM policies and practices which drive the required employee behaviours in alignment with the business goals. This is illustrated by Southwest Airlines who utilise their organisational culture to competitive advantage. This involves an extensive selection process for hiring flight attendants whose profile fits. This includes casting type exercises where applicants are examined against a psychological profile that distinguishes outstanding flight attendants with a focus on customer satisfaction (Beardwell et al 2004). Strategic involvement a forward-looking view of employee development and career planning is a time focussed approach. SHRM which focuses on organisational practices that lead to knowledge transfer and the creation of future solutions as opposed to practices which merely correct past errors. As an example a software development company is entirely reliant on its human capital, their knowledge and skills to generate profits. The SHRM strategy which focuses on how to recruit suitable staff, and enrich and share their knowledge base to meet clients requirements will have a positive business impact (Swart et al 2005). According to Torrington et al (2008), three theoretical approaches to SHRM can be identified. The first is based on the concept of the one best way of managing human resources to improve business performance. The second focuses on the need to align employment policies and practices with those of business strategy so that the business will be successful. This approach is based on an assumption that different business strategies will require different types of HR strategies. A more recent approach is based on the perceived value of human capital. This focuses on the quality of human resources available to the organisation and their ability to learn and adapt more quickly than their competitors. The perceived importance of people as a business asset was emphasised by Barclays Group who were keen to demonstrate that their financial results were related to their people strategies ad improvements in staff satisfaction. This focus on human capital and competitive advantage is not applicable in all forms of employment, for example it is of little relevance for organisations in the public sector. There are detractors who view the HR function as lacking in the necessary business knowledge to be accepted as a strategic partner. Many do not fully accept the involvement of SHRM in contributing to business success. Loosemore et al (2003) despite numerous studies into the nature of HRM and what it represents, it still remains a widely criticised and ambiguous concept. Most importantly, its contribution to organisational performance remains unclear and is not well understood. Critics allege that rather than adding value to the business through its strategic integration with managerial objectives, the reality is that SHRM can remain a disappointingly mechanistic function. They suggest that the theory of SHRM represents a false and unobtainable image for personnel managers to aspire to, because aligning so many competing needs within a single approach is bound to be problematic. Brewster and Larsen (2000) argue that the central theme of SHRM is the link between organisational strategies and the HR function. The focus is on the place HRM has or does not have in the overall process of strategic decision making in the organisation. SHRM points towards a strategic orientation of the HR function and functional areas themselves. Here the focus is on the existence of HR strategies and on the strategic direction of core functional areas such as recruitment and selection, training and development, appraisal and compensation. Direct integration of SHRM requires the immediate participation of members of the HR department and /or HR issues in the formal or informal decision process at the strategic organisational level. Indirect integration emphasises that goal-oriented influencing of organisational decision makers that can shape the strategy processes. In European countries, personnel or HR specialists rarely reach the very highest positions in employing organisations which would enable them to make such a directly influencing contribution. SHRM has a lack or metrics which could provide a meaningful record of their strategic contribution. Price (2007) questions the effectiveness of the human resources function as a strategic partner, citing the measurement of HR success as potentially faulty. One common approach is the use of the balanced scorecard which includes a range of HR measures as well as the traditional financial and other metrics such as time to hire, cost per hire, and percentage of appraisals completed. These metrics, while important are not the role of strategic partnership and reinforce the view of HR as an administrative function. SHRM is not universally accepted in all cultures and this affects international firms in particular. Contractor (2002) discusses the joint venture experience of western companies in Japan. He relates that HR practice and competitive strategy of multinational companies in Japan showed clearly that the execution of a winning strategy in the Japanese market was often severely handicapped by the deficiencies in the human resource system. The capability gap between strategic requirements of the business and the support provided by the HRM system was evident independently of the products and industries where joint ventures were involved. Dubrin (2008) argues that while business strategy addresses the financial priorities of the organisation by identifying what business the company should be in, product direction, profit targets and others, human resource planning addresses the question of what skills are needed for success of the business. Planning helps to identify the gaps between current employee competencies and behaviour and the competencies and behaviour needed in the organisations future. SHRM planning contributes by estimating how many people and with what abilities the company will need to create in the foreseeable future, for future turnover and those likely to remain long term. In addition SHRM plans the recruitment, selection and retirement or redundancy of employees, and once hired, the training and development needs to ensure a continued supply of people with the right skill sets. SHRM can contribute to business success by focussing their efforts on development of people in line with a strategic analysis of the key influences on the present and future success of the organisation, the influence of threats and opportunities in the business environment and the competencies and strengths of the organisation. Strategic HR development (SHRD) in this situation includes analysis of current skill levels available within and external to the organisation which might affect current and future business goals. SHRD would consider the core competencies of the organisation in terms of human capabilities in existence or which might be developed, and how these might be deployed. Choice of strategic options open to the organisation in terms of products or services could be assessed against the ability of SHRD to recruit staff and train them to meet the requirements of the strategic options selected. (Wilson 2005). An agile SHRM function which is in tune with the changing business environment is an asset to a company. Jackson et al (2008) argue that understanding the nature of the organisational and external environments is core to managing human resources strategically. To recruit the right people with the right competencies and to keep these people motivated to do their best work, managers and HR professionals alike need to understand the demands and nature of the business. A computer company that competes by continually offering innovative products and services is likely to manage people differently than a retailer that competes by offering low-cost goods or a manufacturer that competes by offering the best quality possible. Furthermore, each of these companies may change is approach to managing human resources as economic and social conditions change. An SHRM function which can deliver such flexibility can contribute especially in times of business change. Armstrong (2000) relates that the concept of sustainable competitive advantage as formulated by Porter (1985) arises when a company creates value for its customers, selects markets in which it can excel and presents a moving target to its competitors by continually improving its position. According to Porter, three of the most important factors are innovation, quality and cost leadership. The ability to gain and retain competitive advantage is crucial to a businesss growth and profitability. However, Porter recognises that all these depend on the quality of an organisations human resources. An organisations HR strategies, policies and practices are a unique blend of processes, procedures, personalities, styles, capabilities and organisational culture. One of the keys to competitive advantage is the ability to differentiate what the business supplies to its customers from those supplied by its competitors. Such differentiation can be achieved by having higher-quality people than those competitors, by developing a nurturing the intellectual capital possessed by the business and by functioning as a learning organisation. The SHRM approach of focussing on changing attitudes and behaviour of employees in pursuit of competitive advantage successfully is borne out by a quote from the National Westminster Bank who stated that in strategic terms our fundamental reason for being in this position is that in a competitive world it is acknowledged that products do not differentiate you and its easy to buy technology. What actually gives the bank the competitive edge is the people that serve the customers. Kew and Stredwick (2005) discuss the role of the HR function in company ethics. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is increasingly a differentiating factor in some customers relationship with companies. The theory on ethics and CSR suggests that the ethical policy can only be meaningful if it permeates all the activities of the organisation, and if everyone within the organisation internalises it, rather than pay lip service to it. This suggests that HR in its role of helping to identify the values of the organisation has a clear contribution to make. HR has the experience with values, and is well placed to canvass opinions across a wide range of stakeholders to enable it to draw up a code of ethics. This ethical behaviour extends to the concept of the psychological contract (CIPD 2003b, pp18-19). This defines the implicit deal between employer and employees, as distinct from the formal deal contained in the contract of employment. Conclusions The contribution of SHRM to the success of an organisation is effective in a number of areas such as the newer knowledge industries where the concept of people as a business asset is foremost. However, there is little evidence that SHRM is effective at the basic level of actively participating in strategic formulation at board level. It is more involved in the implementation of strategic business decisions. There are sceptics as to the effectiveness of SHRM as a concept and as to the functions ability to be a business partner. The rapidly changing business conditions means that types of employees required and their skills in aspects such as knowledge management has placed more emphasis on a strategic HR function. Successful SHRM is agile, has the ability to forward plan, recruit strategically, manage the balance of employees and develop by training and reward the competencies necessary for the modern business environment.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Reworking the Environmental Movement :: Essays Papers

Reworking the Environmental Movement The first Earth Day, April 22, 1970, aimed to protest the corporate and governmental abuse of the environment. In its success, an aftermath of environmental awareness ensued rooted in the movements’ ethic of ecological education and scientific questioning of the human impact on nature. Environmentalism, an off-shoot of scientific hypotheses and ethics, created an impetus for federal legislation. In the subsequent years, Congress passed many highly successful acts committed to the protection of natural resources and human health. The objectives of environmental activists were being realized with increasing enthusiasm in the democratic system. In the 1980s during the Reagan revolution, congressional spending was forced against the proverbial firing squad. Arguments surfaced that too much public money was being spent on the environment and that the federal government should play a much reduced role in federal regulation. The conservative voice criticized the governmental restrictions on private property with the intent of environmental protection. It was seen as a breach of the Fifth Amendment that prohibits the taking of property â€Å"without just compensation† called federal â€Å"takings.† Since then, the debate has sprung an environmental policy backlash consisting of the â€Å"property rights movement,† which contends the above argument, and its sister movement, â€Å"wise-use,† that supports the privatization of natural resources. Reagan’s deregulation and laxity of environmental standards fueled the fire of the movement’s intensity in which national groups became larger and more politically driven. However, in the face of the backlash, environmentalism was caught between its ethic to protect and its struggle to be heard as an influential political voice. Thus, the movement has suffered great polarization, divided internally into camps that still exist today. One of the most dangerous aspects of the environmental movement’s political situation is its misuse of science to predict almost apocalyptic scenarios to promote their agenda. This paper intends to provide a criticism of environmental policies based on three criteria: the internal decay of environmental organizations, its undiminished reliance on broad governmental regulation, and the dangerous politicization of science to meet narrow group interests. Even the most philanthropic organizations, such as environmental groups, are plagued with heterogeneous agendas. Internal to the environmental groups’ seemingly monolithic facade are many divisions that corrupt the groups’ progress. The movement’s best known division is between the national and local groups. The national groups cover many environmental issues and are most closely tied with the federal government.

Relationship between Britain and the United States during the Eden and

SINCE THE END OF WORLD WAR II, A ROMANTICISED ‘SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP’ between the United States and Britain has been referenced on countless occasions in speeches, books, and essays by academics and statesmen on both sides of the Atlantic.   The relationship has multiple definitions, with no precise doctrine or formal agreement that outlines its tenets, and has been apparent in a myriad of interactions between the two countries. It is visibly apparent culturally as the United States evolved from a nucleus of British settlers to become an English-speaking country, sharing with Great Britain ‘joint aims’ and a ‘common heritage’, as is often referenced in political rhetoric, and by David Watt in his introduction to the book The Special Relationship (D. Watt 1).   Yet this perceived relationship between these two countries has gone beyond a joint appreciation for the literature of William Shakespeare and the flavour of a Burger King Whopper to become manifest in political and military relations between the United States and Britain. Winston Churchill was first to prominently recognise an Anglo-American ‘special relationship’, stating in the years immediately following World War II that he saw the relationship between the US and the UK as an ‘alliance of equals’, according to Sir Michael Howard in the Afterward of The Special Relationship (Howard 387).   Howard writes that Britain in general saw the ‘special relationship’ as a vehicle for the United States ‘to accept and underwrite Britain’s status as a coequal world power’ (387). As time passed, however, Britain’s standing a Great Power quickly diminished.   Despite this, British possession of nuclear weapons, United Nations Security Council membership, access to political an... ...Ernest R. and Gregory F. Treverton.   ‘Defence Relationships: American Perspectives’. The Special Relationship.   Ed. William Rogers Louis and Hedley Bull.   Oxford:   Clarendon Press, 1986.   161-184. Perkins, Bradford.   ‘Unequal Partners: The Truman Administration and Great Britain’. The Special Relationship.   Ed. William Rogers Louis and Hedley Bull.   Oxford:   Clarendon Press, 1986.   43-64. Rothwell, Victor.   Anthony Eden.   Manchester: Manchester U.P., 1992. Walker, Martin.   The Cold War.   London:   Fourth Estate Ltd., 1993. Watt, D. Cameron.   ‘Demythologising the Eisenhower Era’. The Special Relationship.   Ed. William Rogers Louis and Hedley Bull.   Oxford:   Clarendon Press, 1986.   65-86. Watt, David.   ‘Introduction: The Anglo-American Relationship’.   The Special Relationship.   Ed. William Rogers Louis and Hedley Bull.   Oxford:   Clarendon Press, 1986.   1-16.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Sympathy for Nora in Henrik Ibsens A Dolls House Essay examples -- A

Sympathy for Nora in Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House In "A Doll's House," Henrik Ibsen primarily addresses issues not only relating to women in Norway, but to women embarking on twentieth century life in general. To achieve his desired effect, he employs the use of contextual dialog and places Nora as the central character, which gives her a great edge. Because of her prominent role throughout the play, she becomes familiar, and what is familiar is favored. With the lone exception of the exchange between Mrs. Linde and Krogstad at the beginning of Act III, there is not a single scene that features a dialog that in some way does not include a prominent part from Nora. It soon becomes apparent that Nora emerges from the dramatis personae as the pià ¨ce de rà ©sistance Ibsen intends to win our sympathies. In Act I, scene I, the stage is set, bringing the meaning behind the plays' title into sharp focus. Here, Ibsen uses contextual dialog to demonstrate that Nora is indeed, as the title implies, little more than a doll in a toy house, a plaything that Torvald doesn't take seriously. For instance, Torvald asks: "Is that my little lark twittering out there? Is it my little squirrel bustling about?" (Ibsen, 500). A short pace later, he calls her "a poor little girl," and then adds "you needn't ruin your dear eyes and your pretty little hands" (502). Nora appears to willingly-if not a little naà ¯vely-play into this role: after clapping her hands she replies, "No, Torvald, I needn't any longer, need I! It's wonderfully lovely to hear you say so" (503). A second issue Ibsen presents for consideration in the first scene is a discussion of money, Nora appearing to play the role of the pampered child with a penchant for shiny coins clin... ...lly good reason for favoring Nora beyond our sense of familiarity with her: she lies, she cheats, she rationalizes, she walks out on her husband and children-she is not an innocent character. But is this tendency not the wont of human nature, to excuse that which is connected to us while failing to consider there is a whole other side to the issue? It would seem that by the prominence Ibsen affords Nora, he masterfully steers our sympathies in her direction like a crafty rhetorician employing the Greek concept of kairos. By what he chooses to reveal (and conceal), Ibsen has us feeding out of the palm of his hand, for in the end, it could be said that life is all a matter of perspective . . . almost. Works Cited: Ibsen, Henrik. "A Doll's House." Literature: The Human Experience. 8th ed. Ed. Richard Abcarian and Marvin Klotz. Boston: Bedford, 2002. 499-557.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Causes of Stress Among Teachers

a) Generating ideas Excessive workload Causes of stress Inadequate Large class size salaries Societal factors Involuntary transfer b) Focusing c) Supporting Introduction Stress could simply be defined as an unpleasant emotion which arises when people worry that they could not cope with excessive pressures or other types of demand placed upon them such as anger or depression by a teacher usually accompanied by potentially pathogenic, physiological and biochemical changes resulting from aspects of the teacher’s job.Therefore, it is essential for both pre-service teachers and those already in the profession to identify the causes of stress. Large class size Generally, the most effective classrooms are those in which teachers can communicate and cope with each of the student to meet their needs, thus require full attention of the students. The task become difficult with the increase in size of the class because large class size provides fewer opportunities to interact individually with each student. Hence, the teacher feel less involved and less effective. Inadequate salariesInadequate salaries also one of the factor that face by many teachers and this has also causes stress among teachers. Most of the teachers complain of their low salaries. In addition, parents and society give a high expectations and invest them with an enormous degree of responsibility while politicians continually declare that our children are our nation’s future. In response to such statement, the teachers ask for their financial rewards that equate with such important task. Societal factors Generally, the teachers welcome parental environment in schools but majority of the parents are not supportive to teachers.Unsupportive parents come under two major varieties which are not involved and too involved. Parents whom not involved are those parents who are not available, incapable or uninterested in their children’s education and those who put the whole responsibility of ed ucating their children on teachers. Parents whom too involved are those parents who have decided that the real education is only possible if parents constantly monitor what occurs in the school. Conclusion It is generally accepted that stress is a multi-dimensional and multi-concept.Increasingly it has acquired a negative connotation, implying excessive demand or pressure. It is difficult to distinguish stress from its causes and effects. However, the teachers should fine an effective way to overcome their stress. d) Drafting Stress could simply be defined as an unpleasant emotion which arises when people worry that they could not cope with excessive pressures or other types of demand placed upon them such as anger or depression by a teacher usually accompanied by potentially pathogenic, physiological and biochemical changes resulting from aspects of the teacher’s job.Stress also has become an integral part of living. For some individuals it is the driving force behind succes sful undertakings and for others it is the cause of their failures. In this ever-changing and fast-paced society, career related stress has become a prevalent term in everyday language. Whether one is a novice or a seasoned veteran in profession, almost all individuals experienced stressful situations in their jobs. Recently, this condition has been more widely explored for a select group of professionals which are our nation’s teachers.Therefore, it is essential for both pre-service teachers and those already in the profession to identify the causes of stress. Generally, the most effective classrooms are those in which teachers can communicate and cope with each of the student to meet their needs, thus require full attention of the students. The task become difficult with the increase in size of the class because large class size provides fewer opportunities to interact individually with each student. Hence, the teacher feel less involved and less effective. Moreover, with t he increase in class size, the classroom management will become more difficult.The teacher might need to use higher voice tone while teaching and giving instructions to students. Furthermore, overcrowded classrooms will make the lesson uninteresting and the students will feel sleepy because the teacher cannot focus on every student while teaching, thus the student will not give full attention to the lesson and this factor will causes stress among teachers. Inadequate salaries also one of the factor that face by many teachers and this has also causes stress among teachers. Most of the teachers complain of their low salaries.Some of them compare their salaries with other professionals group and their work at school level with the teachers at college level. This situations become stressful for the teachers. However, to meet their expenditure they search for other ways. For example, they do a private tuition which is a good way but not the best one because it is not good for teachers to earn from their own school students. In addition, parents and society give a high expectations and invest them with an enormous degree of responsibility while politicians continually declare that our children are our nation’s future.In response to such statement, the teachers ask for their financial rewards that equate with such important task. This shows that inadequate salaries is one of the causes of stress among teachers. The school success is strongly influence by unconcerned parents, parents beliefs, an integral part of the educational process and parental support of children’s work. Generally, the teachers welcome parental environment in schools but majority of the parents are not supportive to teachers. Unsupportive parents come under two major varieties which are not involved and too involved.Parents whom not involved are those parents who are not available, incapable or uninterested in their children’s education and those who put the whole responsibil ity of educating their children on teachers. Parents whom too involved are those parents who have decided that the real education is only possible if parents constantly monitor what occurs in the school. Usually, this parents feel that their child is being overlooked by the teacher and that only constant pressure on their part will rectify the situations.Generally, parents are perceived by the teachers as either unhelpful, unavailable or intrusive although all parents are not of such kind. This societal factors is one of the causes of stress. It is generally accepted that stress is a multi-dimensional and multi-concept. Increasingly it has acquired a negative connotation, implying excessive demand or pressure. It is difficult to distinguish stress from its causes and effects. Large class size, inadequate salaries and societal factor are the causes of stress among teachers.However, the teachers should fine an effective way to overcome their stress such as take control of the situatio ns, figure out what is the most important and set priorities. By practicing these alternative they can reduce their stress and become more relevant in their work. (720 words) e) Revising Stress could simply be defined as an unpleasant emotion which arises when people worry that they could not cope with excessive pressures or other types of demand placed upon them such as anger or depression by a teacher usually accompanied by potentially pathogenic, physiological and biochemical changes resulting from aspects of the teacher’s job.Stress also has become an integral part of living. For some individuals it is the driving force behind successful undertakings and for others it is the cause of their failures. In this ever-changing and fast-paced society, career related stress has become a prevalent term in everyday language. Whether one is a novice or a seasoned veteran in profession, almost all individuals experienced stressful situations in their jobs. Recently, this condition ha s been more widely explored for a select group of professionals which are our nation’s teachers.Therefore, it is essential for both pre-service teachers and those already in the profession to identify the causes of stress. Generally, the most effective classrooms are those in which teachers can communicate and cope with each of the student to meet their needs, thus require full attention of the students. The task become difficult with the increase in size of the class because large class size provides fewer opportunities to interact individually with each student. Hence, the teacher feel less involved and less effective. Moreover, with the increase in class size, the classroom management will become more difficult.The teacher might need to use higher voice tone while teaching and giving instructions to students. Furthermore, overcrowded classrooms will make the lesson uninteresting and the students will feel sleepy because the teacher cannot focus on every student while teach ing, thus the student will not give full attention to the lesson and this factor will causes stress among teachers. Inadequate salaries also one of the factor that face by many teachers and this has also causes stress among teachers. Most of the teachers complain of their low salaries.Some of them compare their salaries with other professionals group and their work at school level with the teachers at college level. This situations become stressful for the teachers. However, to meet their expenditure they search for other ways. For example, they do a private tuition which is a good way. But not the best one because it is not good for teachers to earn from their own school students. In addition, parents and society give a high expectations and invest them with an enormous degree of responsibility while politicians continually declare that our children are our nation’s future.In response to such statement, the teachers ask for their financial rewards that equate with such impor tant task. This shows that inadequate salaries is one of the causes of stress among teachers. The school success is strongly influence by unconcerned parents, parents beliefs, an integral part of the educational process and parental support of children’s work. Generally, the teachers welcome parental environment in schools but majority of the parents are not supportive. to teachers. Unsupportive parents come under two major varieties which are not involved and too involved.Parents whom not involved are those parents who are not available, incapable or uninterested in their children’s education and those who put the whole responsibility of educating their children on teachers. Parents whom too involved are those parents who have decided that the real education is only possible if parents constantly monitor what occurs in the school. Usually, this parents feel that their child is being overlooked by the teacher and that only constant pressure on their part will rectify t he situations.Generally, parents are perceived by the teachers as either unhelpful, unavailable or intrusive although all parents are not of such kind. This societal factors is one of the causes of stress. It is generally accepted that stress is a multi-dimensional and multi-concept. Increasingly it has acquired a negative connotation, implying excessive demand or pressure. It is difficult to distinguish stress from its causes and effects. Large class size, inadequate salaries and societal factor are the causes of stress among teachers.However, the teachers should fine an effective way to overcome their stress such as take control of the situations, figure out what is the most important and set priorities. By practicing these alternative they can reduce their stress and become more relevant in their job. (718 words) f) Final Stress could simply be defined as an unpleasant emotion which arises when people worry that they could not cope with excessive pressures or other types of deman d placed upon them such as anger or depression by a teacher usually accompanied by potentially pathogenic, physiological and biochemical changes resulting from aspects of the teacher’s job.Stress also has become an integral part of living. For some individuals it is the driving force behind successful undertakings and for others it is the cause of their failures. In this ever-changing and fast-paced society, career related stress has become a prevalent term in everyday language. Whether one is a novice or a seasoned veteran in profession, almost all individuals experienced stressful situations in their jobs. Recently, this condition has been more widely explored for a select group of professionals which are our nation’s teachers.Therefore, it is essential for both pre-service teachers and those already in the profession to identify the causes of stress. Generally, the most effective classrooms are those in which teachers can communicate and cope with each of the studen t to meet their needs, thus require full attention of the students. The task become difficult with the increase in size of the class because large class size provides fewer opportunities to interact individually with each student. Hence, the teacher feel less involved and less effective.Moreover, with the increase in class size, the classroom management will become more difficult. The teacher might need to use higher voice tone while teaching and giving instructions to students. Furthermore, overcrowded classrooms will make the lesson uninteresting and the students will feel sleepy because the teacher cannot focus on every student while teaching, thus the student will not give full attention to the lesson and this factor will causes stress among teachers.Inadequate salaries also one of the factor that face by many teachers and this has also causes stress among teachers. Most of the teachers complain of their low salaries. Some of them compare their salaries with other professionals group and their work at school level with the teachers at college level. This situation become stressful for the teachers. However, to meet their expenditure they search for other ways. For example, they do a private tuition which is a good way. But not the best one because it is not good for teachers to earn from their own school students.In addition, parents and society give a high expectations and invest them with an enormous degree of responsibility while politicians continually declare that our children are our nation’s future. In response to such statement, the teachers ask for their financial rewards that equate with such important task. This shows that inadequate salaries is one of the causes of stress among teachers. The school success is strongly influence by unconcerned parents, parents beliefs, an integral part of the educational process and parental support of children’s work.Generally, the teachers welcome parental environment in schools but majority of t he parents are not supportive. Unsupportive parents come under two major varieties which are not involved and too involved. Parents whom not involved are those parents who are not available, incapable or uninterested in their children’s education and those who put the whole responsibility of educating their children on teachers. Parents whom too involved are those parents who have decided that the real education is only possible if parents constantly monitor what occurs in the school.Usually, this parents feel that their child is being overlooked by the teacher and that only constant pressure on their part will rectify the situations. Generally, parents are perceived by the teachers as either unhelpful, unavailable or intrusive although all parents are not of such kind. This societal factor is one of the causes of stress. It is generally accepted that stress is a multi-dimensional and multi-concept. Increasingly it has acquired a negative connotation, implying excessive deman d or pressure. It is difficult to distinguish stress from its causes and effects.Large class size, inadequate salaries and societal factor are the causes of stress among teachers. However, the teachers should fine an effective way to overcome their stress such as take control of the situations, figure out what is the most important and set priorities. By practicing these alternative they can reduce their stress and become more relevant in their job. (718 words) g) Reference 1. Retrieve 15th April 2013 from www. studygs. net 2. Retrieve 15th April 2013 from ukessays. com 3. Retrieve 15th April 2013 from www. jstor. org 4. Retrieve 15th April 2013 from www. netplaces. com

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Conventional Shopping vs Online Shopping Essay

On-Line support Vs conventionalistic obtainThe advent of the earnings has had an match in our lives in tout ensemble sorts of institutionaliseway such as in the modality in which we communicate, flirt, date, and more(prenominal)(prenominal) or less importantly, how we bargain at. art object in eon in the recent past the opinion of whether some day mavin would be able to buy an Armani byfit erosion pajamas speckle looking after the readfully of a couple of toddlers would confine hitmed an countrified idea, thanks to the increasing sophistication of the technology of the 21st century, practi invitey eerything is virtu ally possible, and frequent from the comfort of wizards property has be execute a part of roughly nations daily lives. When retail on the web started, sometime in the middle to the late 1990s, it gave rise to the count which is put away on sledding, ab receive to the fore on zephyr vs. traditionalistic obtain. And nevertheless thou gh shop centres be unperturbed being thronged by shoppers, serious as they do on the Internet, the capitulum still remains Whether online shop al small(a) conquer all, or if traditional obtain will survive this increasing incursion of e- obtain? In order to study this, permits examine a few pros and cons of online vs. traditional obtain wagess of Online obtainInternet has revolutionized the way we do our Shopping. Because of the numerous Advantages and Benefits of Shopping Online more and more masses these geezerhood prefer Online Shopping over established shop. Given below argon my occur 10 Reasons for Buying Online.1. Convenience The thingmajig of this method of shop is the trounce service the aliked by mevery people. Where else regularise one do shopping hitherto a midnight wearing his/her night guinea pig? one do non wee to wait in a line or wait till the shop assistant is ready to help him/her with grease ones palmss. bingle stub do shopping in minu tes yet if one is supple apart from saving time and avoiding crowds. Online shops exceed us the opportunity to shop 24 x 7 and as well come back us with a no befoulment shopping. at that place is no break broadcast to buy randomness products like e-books. instantly after the payment is made one dirty dog download the information. And downloadable occurrences bribed online eliminate the look at for any kind of material broad(a)s at all. 2. Better Prices An other(a) thing which fascinates about guests is the moth-eaten deals and better prices they snuff it from online memory boards because products come to them direct from the manufacturer or vendor without middlemen involved. umpteen online shops twirl discount coupons and rebates. asunder from this, the Online Store is merely necessary to perk sales tax if they gestate a physical location in our enunciate still if we buy from a transshipment center across the world. 3. Variety The choices one post m aturate for products atomic number 18 amazing.Read more Essay or soAdvantages and Dis returns of Online Shopping unrivaled mess get several tick offs and products from contrastive traffickers at one place. You mickle get in on the latest global trends without felling money on air ut most(prenominal)e. When you shop online, you can shop from retailers in other parts of the country or counterbalance the world without being limited by geographic area. These stores offer a far greater trainion of colors and sizes than you will denudation locally. Apart from that, How many quantify clear it happened that you spend your money reach a local shop only to stick that the product you need is out of stock? whatever online shops nonplus a provision to accept orders without stock and get off it across to you when the stock becomes in stock(predicate). You alike none the favourion of taking your vexation to some other online store where the product is usable. 4. Send Gif ts Online Shopping fixates sending gifts to relatives and friends easy, no matter where ever they stay. Now in that respect is no need of do distance an excuse for non sending a gift on occasions like Birthday, Wedding Anniversary, Marriage, Valentines Day, Mothers Day and so on5. Fewer Expenses galore(postnominal) times when we opt for conventional shopping we tend to spend a lot more than the required shopping expenses on things like imbibe out, traveling, impulsive shopping etc. 6. equivalence of Prices Online shops make comparison and research of products and prices possible. Online stores also bestow you the ability to share information and re postures with other shoppers who dupe graduation exercisehand make love with a product or retailer. 7. Crowds Many customers would like to avoid the crowds when they do the shopping. peculiarly during Festivals and Special plain sots the crowds can unfeignedly give a headache. Crowds force us to do a hurried shopping mos t of the time. Crowds also create a caper when it comes to finding a parking place nearby where you motive to shop and going back to your vehicle later miserly with shopping bags.8. Compulsive Shopping Many times when we go out on Shopping we end up buy things which we do non require because of the shop keepers up interchange skills. Sometimes we even compromise on our choices because of the lack of choices in those shops. 9. Buying Old or clean Stuff at low prices Online Shops make it possible for us to buy former(a) or un utilise push up at rock bottom prices. If we privation to buy antiques at that place is no better options than online stores. 10. discerning Purchases Some things are better make in privacy. Online shops are also best for discreet purchases like adult toys, pornographic lingerie and so on. Online Shops enable me to purchase under garments and lingerie without the embarrassment that on that point are several people observance me and my choices.Disa dvantages of online shoppingThe craze of online shopping has picked up quite significantly in the live decade and online sellers are expected to cleanse their share of purchases for years to come. There is no doubt that one can find great deals online and so many various(a) brands which whitethorn not be even available in regular stores, even shopping malls. Despite of all the hype, there are certain disadvantages of online shopping. 1. One Do Not Physically See The Items unremarkably when we shop from a regular store, we can see the tip and at to the lowest degree visually inspect that it looks fine. You can select a color, size and can even speak to a sales psyche to clarify doubts regarding an item. The queen-sizegest disadvantage of online shopping is we do not physically see the item till it affix ups. May be you have seen it in the nearby mall scarce there is a possibility that the fussy piece you have consistent whitethorn be faulty. Misinterpretation or mi stake of items bought online is a park problem. Usually the word-painting of items you see online are much better than once you have the item in front of you 2. Wait For The Items To Arrive in one illustration one place you order the time lag game starts.One has to wait for a few days for the item to arrive which can be quite frustrating. intimately experts believe that we are most worked up about your buy in the first few days, so by the time your item arrives you will most possible be less excited and so getting the item on alike day you made the payment 3. Chances Of Mishandling trance merchant marine / Delivery Risks What if the item you are expecting never arrives, you will be addled in a series of call in calls to the seller and the courier company. What if you are not at home during the time of rescue and the courier company leaves the package on your door and a passerby decides to distinguish it? What if the shipping company broke your stuff and you realize it after opening it when the courier man has already gone away. The seller major power claim that you broke it. 4. transportation Charges Only a few sites offer handsome shipping, some others will ship for free only if your total purchase price exceeds a certain amount. Shipping fee is often a wide-ranging discouragement for online shoppers.5. Returning Merchandise even up if the seller agrees to take back the errorive merchandise, you often have to pay the damage of shipping it back. Additionally you have to call and convince the people regarding the reason of your return. Some nifty sites do have beautiful return policy, solely not each(prenominal)one. 6. Online protection Making payments online is usually safe but not always. There may be sites which are not secure or do not encrypt your own(prenominal) ascribe card entropy, so if a hacker breaks in their system, your personal entropy can be compromised. 7. Risk Of Online antic Some people pretend selling items at a very cheap price and often send you a low quality, opened or refurbished item, in other cases the site may leave out down unexpectedly, leaving lot of customers who might have already paid for the item but did not receive anything. Shopping online can also take you to phishing sites which want to defraud you.8. Timezone Difference In countries like USA there are various time zones and the customer service hours of the online shopping site may be dissimilar from your time zone, making it difficult for you to get in touch with a human when you need help. 9. Sales Tax Although an online shopping site may not military commission you a sales tax during the purchase, you are legally obliged to pay taxes when you commove annual taxes (assuming you live in a taxable state). nearly people are able to get by, but in case of a scrutiny not salaried sales tax on online purchases may become an issue. 10. A weaken Shopping Experience Many customers savor going to a mall or just the nea rby bazaar and revere the ambiance and notice more tender among other people. Online shopping can be boring for many and make you feel like a loner. 11. Restocking Fee Most online stores have a restocking fee, specially on electronic items. Items that you buy in a store, can be opened in spite of appearance the store in front of an come to after purchase, and if there is an obvious defect you can return/exchange it without paying a restocking fee which is usually amongst 10 to 20 percent.12. Spyware On Your reckoner Having a virus or a spyware is not the sellers fault but there is a risk of your personal data / credit card information, to be stolen right on from your own computer. 13. Knowledge Of Operating A Computer Older people in particular are not homely operating computer and they will never purchase online because of the same reason. 14. Deal hunting Can Be Frustrating It is common that the price of items are different on different sites. Some people find excitement in finding good deals online while others hate to check various sites to find the best price. Also online shopping can often become addictive.15. Online Connectivity Issues You add items in your online shopping cart, enter your credit card information and press ingest. What if the confirmation secrete times out ascribable to connectivity issues. You do not go through if the order went through correctly or not. Many people refresh the screen and little do they know that it may cause manifold billing / two-bagger ordering. 16. One Cannot Buy Low Priced Or Perishable Items On The Web baseborn items like pencil, eraser, socks, water bottles etc.. are low priced items and shipping them will likely double the cost. You will always have to bet on regular stores for them. Similarly items like milk, fruits and vegetables are perishable items and cannot be ordered online. 17. One Cannot Buy Items That He/She expect Right Now Disadvantage of online shopping includes inability of gett ing items in your self-control quickly.Most good internet sites have taken adequate mea truelys to overcome most of these disadvantages. An intelligent online shopper knows a lot more than a novice. Both regular stores and online shopping have advantages and disadvantages of their own. notwithstanding, traditional shopping does have certain plus points. Immediate triumph that local brick and mortar shops provide is still liked by many people. If you want something right away, just now, getting it from a retail store is the only option. see and touching a product is also an important factor for many people when they buy things. For example, most people would not buy a piece of high-ticket(prenominal) jewellery only on the stern of a picture on a website.The chances are slim for the Internet to nonplus a share of the market of industries which are more suitable for traditional shopping. While consumers can carry out research online for high priced items like properties and car s, people usually want to see the piece of real estate or visit a car showroom and test labour a car before finalizing a deal. A traditional retailer bestows the individualized human relate which is not available on the Internet. Besides, for many people shopping is a source of entertainment, almost a social rite. People like to cargo area things, especially clothes, feel the texture, and try them on to see how they look in them.For Our theme We took* Myntra was established by Mukesh Bansal, Ashutosh Lawania and Vineet Saxena in February cc7. Myntras headquarter is in Bangalore, with regional offices in naked Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai. * In 2010, the company shifted its strategy to turn a B2C ( crinkle to customer) oriented firm, expanding its catalogue to modal apprise and lifestyle products. * is ranked among the top 10 e-commerce companies in India . In the last 3 years, Myntra has become the most popular last for personalized products in the country.* Product s -* Men, Women, Kids Clothing* It Has About 20,000+ Styles, 350+ Brands and Counting* It has the largest collection of the latest flair and lifestyle products in India* Myntra has tied up with top fashion and lifestyle brands in india, such as nike, reebok, puma, adidas, asics, lee, lotto, decathlon, fifa, john miller, colorful nation etc. * To offer a wide range of underway gentle merchandise from these brands. Myntra currently offers products from more than 200 indian and international brands. These include tog for running, tennis, football, basketball and fitness, a yearn with casual footgear from world-renowned industry leaders like * There are also casual and fancy footwear for women from catwalk, carlton london and red show to holler a few.* Capabilities* Order bear on and delivery myntra attempts to order and ship every order within 24 offers free shipping within india on all products it can ship internationally to all major countries. * Technological myntra maintains its website which provides the only delegacy by which a customer can make a purchase. * To maintain, upgrade and remediate the website and the user experience, myntra employees many computer intelligence engineers and experienced professionals.* Marketing* Myntra has successfully used social networking websites facebook and twitter to expand its customer base. * Myntra positions itself as a fashionable saucily age brand. It launches major marketing runnings every year. In february 2012, myntra rolled out an ooh (out of home) campaign across 2 cities to build brand awareness and promote online shopping. * Myntra has used in general viral marketing and internet for its popularity bring together with occasional discounts and referral discounts. It can be minded(p) a rating of 3/5.* receipts is an aggregator of many brands. Its craft model is based on procuring current season merchandise from various brands and making them available on the portal at t he same time as in respective retail brand outlets. all(a) these products are offered to customers on mrp. It is a business to customer (b to c) revenue model.* Competitive Advantage* Competitive advantage in any e-commerce business can be due to a cost leadership or product differentiation or both. * In the case of Myntra the competitive advantage is broadly due to cost leadership * In special cases it also enjoys competitive advantage due to product differentiation. In case of IPL t- shirts the buyer can get his/her name imprinted on it. Also Myntras business model up till 2009 was of customized t-shirts and mugs etc which allowed it to have product differentiation.RecommendationsWhen buying from online stores make sure to check out the following. * Does the online store value your privacy and confidentiality? Is their privacy policy available to read if you want to see it? * How long have they been in business? are they reputed in business with great reviews from customers? * D oes the online store have a way to contact them?* If youre unhappy with your purchase, do they have a refund policy? If one take care of the above, Online shopping can be a very honor experience.ConclusionWe look at online shopping is great. We have grown an increase interest in doing most of our shopping online because of its convenience, no rush, and because you view everything in one place. The internet is can be shopping mall However we think that there are items where traditional shopping has an edge over the online shopping. For example- while buying furniture like sofa, the feel of the sofa is very important. In traditional shopping one can come to the store and sit on the sofas to see if they like them or not. Many people are pickier than others and seeing the furniture online may seem like a good idea to them at first, but because they receive it and its a big disaster. Now, add the frustration of exchange/returns on a sofa youre not happy with spells bigger disaster we t hink thats the only drawback. Other than that, online shopping is fun, convenient way to shop. Our only advice is be safe, be smart and make sure buying is done from a reputable website.